To Hire or Not Hire a Wedding DJ—That is the Question

Is the price for a wedding DJ worth it? Let’s dive into this question using expert advice and experiences we’ve seen at the venue!

The decision about music is a big one for couples when planning a wedding. They wonder: Should we hire a DJ or have a friend/uncle/neighbor (you get the picture!) monitor the playlist? Is the price for a wedding DJ worth it?

The real question is what kind of experience do we want to have?

Take a moment to reflect on this: You want your wedding to go as smoothly as possible. You’ve waited months for this day to come. Planned every detail. You want the right mixture of fun, celebration, happy tears, time with guests, and those special moments as a married couple.

In all your planning or envisioning… 

  • Who do you see as the person in charge of the flow? 

  • Who is the person to keep things going and on schedule? 

  • Who will announce you as a new couple?

  • Who will direct guests to their tables and move people onto the dance floor?

Sometimes these transitions are overlooked when planning. People assume they’ll just happen or think the friend put in charge of music will take care of it. 

This is where hiring a DJ comes in clutch. 

A DJ isn’t just for playing music during the reception. They provide a service throughout both the ceremony and reception by being your MC.

The Benefits of Hiring a DJ

A great DJ can give couples

  • Peace of mind and reassurance knowing that all those transitions are covered. 

  • Ability to relax and enjoy each other, the celebration, and their guests because the responsibility isn’t on them to make sure all those details happen.

  • An engaging, entertaining, and smooth experience, not for them but for their guests, too.

When we interviewed DJ Davey Dave, a sought-after local DJ, he said he treats weddings like they are the Super Bowl. And we love his thinking! 

Your day should be treated like the Super Bowl—it’s an amazing event that you’ve put your heart and soul into planning. People are there to cheer you on into the next steps of your life and relationship. You should feel like the champion!

So, if this sounds like the experience you want, hiring a DJ would definitely be a great idea.

We went straight to the source to bring you some tips on what you will want to look for when choosing a DJ for this important role!

4 Key Areas to Consider When Looking for a Wedding DJ

Here’s advice from DJ Davey Dave on what to look for, and ask about, when hiring a DJ.

  1. Years of experience. Because there are so many details, you want someone who has a few years of wedding DJ experience. Someone who’s already learned all they need to know to make sure the wedding goes off great. 

    He shared, “Being a DJ isn’t just about showing up and playing music. We have to stick to a timeline and be able to adjust—we MC and treat the wedding like it’s the Super Bowl!”

  2. Diverse knowledge of music. When you have a diverse crowd, you need someone who can pull music in from different genres and decades to keep the celebration going. A good DJ keeps people engaged and having a good time no matter what their age or background.

  3. Good quality equipment. You want clean, crisp sound during the ceremony so everyone can hear the officiant and vows without any sound drop-off. Plus quality sound is important for speeches, toasts and to get people up and dancing. Cider Mountain has a great stage area and power supply that DJs can set up with, but a seasoned DJ plans ahead and anticipates any issues. 

    Along with his own high-quality equipment, DJ Davey Dave brings a separate power source and speaker so he’s prepared for whatever situation might come along.  Asking about equipment specifics and backup equipment is an important topic to cover when trying to find a wedding DJ.

  4. Friendliness and Flexibility. Weddings are a team effort! You and your DJ will work together before the big day, but the DJ will also be working with the venue coordinator, other vendors, your family, and your guests the day of. You want someone who is easy to work with, can adjust quickly if something comes up, and works great with a team.

When you finally decide whether or not to hire a DJ, the second step is just as important. Use these topics to create questions to have ready when you’re talking with a potential DJ. If you’ve decided not to hire, think through the scenarios we started with and be sure to assign specific friends or family members to each one!


DJ Davey Dave is one of the vendors who has been up to Cider Mountain and we highly recommend him. To see other recommended vendors, like caters, photographers, mobile beverage bars, florists, and many others, check out our “Preferred Vendors” page. It was created specifically for brides, so you can work with people who are already familiar with Cider Mountain and who we’ve had great experiences with!


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